Monday, April 23, 2007

9 year old boys!

I have just been thinking lately about how much I love 9 year old boys. I'm almost sad that they are almost 10 because I think 9 has to be the greatest age I've encountered so far. They are so independent and yet still so snuggly. I can see them already becoming gentlemen, wanting to take care of the ladies of the house. They can wrestle with their friends and act all cool, yet they aren't to shy to wave feverishly at their mom each morning as the bus pulls away from the stop. And, they don't have any of the hormonal/emotional stuff that comes with 9 year old girls that can be oh so challening. It's just a neat age. Half way to being a man, only half way from being a baby. It's a neat mix of characteristics that I enjoy alot!

As way of an example, here's a cute conversation I overheard the other day:

Jaden is talking about how he really wants this pirate alarm clock from the back of a cereal box for $4.95. HE says to Jonathan, "How can I get my hands on $4.95?". Then he says, "Mom, can you give me some chores so I can make $4.95?" I tell him that I can. Then he says to Jonathan, "Never mind, I'll just bet Josh." Jonathan:"Yeah, I bet Josh all of the time, he owes me like $6.00 now."

I, for some reason just found this the cutest thing in the world...seeing how the mind of a nine year old works. Of course we had to have a conversation about how gambling isn't really a legitimate way to earn money...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Top 10 Signs You're Entering Your Third Trimester

10). When you drop something you really have to think about how badly you want it to determine whether you are going to bend over and pick it up.
9.) People are no longer afraid to ask you if you are pregnant.
8.) You ask your youngest son if he wants to feel the baby move, and he says,"I've already felt it like 100 times!".
7.) You stop worrying about losing the baby and start worrying about what you are going to do with it once it gets here.
6.) It takes 20 minutes to get into a comfortable sleeping position...that is only comfortable for 20 minutes.
5.) Ah, heck, I can't remember #5. Baby takes all the oxygen from my brain!
4.) You start feeling like a walking, talking Pepto Bismol commercial. (heartburn, nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea...)
3.) Two words: Urinary Incontinence.
2.) You look at your belly and wonder how in the world you are possibly going to get three months bigger.
1.) You are willing to disown any person who might respond to this post by saying 'Wow, your pregnancy is going by so fast!" or something similar. :-)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Something hilarious that you must see!

We went on a little mini-vacation and the triplets made's pretty hilarious!

I don't know how to make the link all blue so you just click it, so you'll have to cut and paste...sorry! :)

Grease pics are forthcoming...