Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Drs and Dentists and orthodontics, Oh My!

The children are back to school today after our rousing celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King and an additional day off for heaven-only-knows-what. We spent our days off hopping from Drs office to Drs. office. I know, I know. I told the kids, listen, we can go tot he movies or Chuck-E.-Cheese or ICe Skating, but they said, "No. No. we want to go to lots of Dr. Appts.". SO, that's what we did.

First, we had dental appts, which were fine, except that apparently all of my children have inherited freakishly small mouths and all were referred to the orthodontist. I'm beginning to think it is actually some sort of conspiracy whereby dentists refer everyone to orthodontists for some amount of a kickback. I'm going to invesitgate this and get back to you all. (*by all, I mean the one or two people who actually read this :-) )

Then, we took Jaden for a post-op check. Nothing I heard here really made me feel good. I mean Jaden is fine and all. But, the risk for infection is for 3-4 months out and he is in 2x the danger since they went in twice and the symptoms are apparently mroe subtle than shunt failing symptoms....Great! AND, you might remember my mentioning the resident from hell. Well, apparently, we are not the first family to complain of her not taking things seriously enough and not listening to patients. Additionally, she has also apparently filed a claim with the hospital that she is being discriminated against because of being called on the carpet for all of these complaints. They want me to call the hospitals' lawyers and file an official complaint. I don't know what to do.

Finally, Trisha did have an orthodontist appt, because she really does need some help. $1850 worth of help in the form of an expander and a trainer (to keep her from sucking her thumb). Which, BTW, is a big secret. She doesn't want anyone to know she still sucks her thumb.

So, that's what we've been up to. In four more days, we'll be up to having fun in the Happiest Place on Earth, darn it! Hopefully, the Happiest Place on Earth will have the Steelers game on somewhere!!


Anonymous said...

What do you call a doctor who sprays your mouth to keep out bugs? An Orkindontist.

AmyinMotown said...

Nictoria!!!!! Come to the second happiest place on earth for the Super Bowl!!!! I am so glad Pittsburgh won, between you and our friends here who lived there for years during grad school. For the first time in, well, ever, I have a rooting interest in the Super Bowl! Have a great time at Disneyland and LET ME KNOW if you're coming to town. If you're nice I might even let you wear the parka.

tripmom827 said...

Amy, I just don't know if we'll be coming. While I'd love to pay over $7000 to sit in an endzone, ROb is saying it's too much money...blah, blah, blah...

Maybe if I tell him he might get a chance to try on the parka...