Once again, I have strep throat. This hasn't been confirmed by a Dr, but I get it so freakin much that I'm pretty familiar with it.
I was thinking back to the first time I got it as an adult. It was October 2001, which, as you may recall, was right in the middle of the anthrax scare. I started out with a mildly sore throat, aches, chills, etc. I heard one news report that said the difference between anthrax and the flu was that you wouldn't get a runny nose with anthrax. Well, darn it...I sure didn't have a runny nose! I was sure I had anthrax! So, like any mother would, I spent my last moments on earth hugging my children. Later that day, I went to the Dr and told him about how I thought I had anthrax. He started to take me very seriously. "Ok...we better check that out. Are you a postal worker?" "no." "Are you in the media?" "no, I'm a stay-at-home-mom." He no longer took me very seriously. Took one look in my mouth and said, "It's strep throat". I wasn't sure I was convinced. Until all of the kids came down with it a few days later...
SInce then, I've had it probably 25-30 times. At least I lose a few pounds each time...
By my calculations, you should weigh about 65 pounds by now...
yea...thanks, I always gain them back :)
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