Friday, March 31, 2006

Comments from this quarter's report card...

"Ryan is doing well in all areas, he is always cooperative and attentive duirng instruction. He is eager to learn."

"Jaden is making outstanding academic progress, and I can always count on him to follow the rules and be a good listener. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Jaden this school year."

"Trisha's academic work continues to be top-notch, and her sense of integrity is something to be admired. Although she is well-liked by her classmates, she is not easily influenced by others."

"Jonathan performs well in everything he undertakes. His math skills are exceptional. He is a clear thinker and an attentive listener. He is able to explain his thinking and reasoning while solving problems. He is a fluent reader with good comprehension skills."

Hey, I warned ya...incessant bragging!!

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