Not only is this a most excellent line from one of my favorite movies (Can you guess which movie?), it is also the theme I, personally, am giving to a baby shower that was thrown for me this past weekend. Not only did my wonderful friends not put baby in a corner, they celebrated her in a big way!! It was truly very humbling to have all of these people come to this shower and were so generous in their giving. Considering that not one of the people who came are related to me, and therefore, might feel obligates to come. I was quite humbled. I know that Hilary got a lot of flack for her "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" book, but I do know that it is good for kids to know that there are other eyes watching them when their parents eyes are not. And, I have to say I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing village of families!

These were the wonderful hostesses. Have you ever seen such fabulous women in your life? Just hanging around their fabulousness makes me look good!

George Bush was kind enough to make it to my shower as well...even sporting some pink.

I got such wonderful stuff. As-Of-Yet-Unnamed-Baby-Girl-Klan is set up quite well. As Trisha said, "We've been overrun with cuteness!!".

Speaking of we are. I can't really express enough how much I loathe pictures of me at this point. I had read in an article that if you turn to the side and put your leg up, it makes you look slimmer...well, I think I'm pretty much beyond help at this point, especially with the 90 degree weather that day blowing my legs and ankles up like balloons!
Overall a great time, and like I said I am so thankful for my wonderful friends!
1 comment:
Hey, ease up on yourself, you look great! Love the dress, and I couldn't tell you had the cankles from the photo so the trick worked, apparently. I think pregnant women always think they look 100 times worse than the rest of the world thinks they do, because by this point you must be SO uncomfortable!!
Was hoping Baby Girl Klan would make her appearance on my b-day, but I guess not. My adorable nephew's is June 22....can I get that day in the pool? (and yes, I understand you want to kill me dead right now at the suggestion you might be pregnant for TWO MORE WEEKS and TWO MORE DAYS).
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