Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1930s wife

I saw this little gem from Mommy Confessions and decided to take the quiz. If I were a wife in the 1930s, I would be.....


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

I think average is pretty good. Sure I don't curl my hair and make myself pretty and dainty before Rob gets home from work. And, maybe I don't repair all the buttons or sew our own dishtowels. And, heck maybe I do buy take out food from the delicatessan more than I should. Apparently, though, I'm not all that bad. I think I got extra points for having lots of children and for talking positively about my husband and marriage in public.

Let me know how you do.


Mindy Richmond said...

"Reacts with pleasure and delight to marital congress." Does that mean what I think it means?

I scored Very Superior but I don't think I was entirely honest with the questions, so I probably should have checked yes to the one about lying. Oops.

Anonymous said...

I scored very superior, as expected. High marks for not smoking in bed.

In Due Time said...

Coming over from ICLW...

35 Ha.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

30. As a 30s wife, I am POOR.

I showed DH and said, "That's encouraging! I didn't sign up for one of those."

Thanks for the fun link.
Here from ICLW...

Erin said...

Here from ICLW. I scored very poor. I stink as a wife. I guess not having kids and not keeping a neat house is a bummer.

kateypie35 said...

Oh Nooooo, I got a 24 - Very Poor, Fail!!!
My poor long suffering husband. Maybe its because I wear pajamas instead of a nightgown? Damn.

Happy ICLW!

'Murgdan' said...

Oh my. I'm only a 3. Very Poor. Failure. Great--something else to be depressed about. ;-)

Jaymee said...

I got a 76 and am now going to hide in shame. I thought I was so much more progressive than that. Great quiz.


Kristin said...

Too funny...I was rated very superior but I don't think I should have been...LOL.