Monday, October 20, 2008

My Poor Neighbor

My neighbor recently had two of his 6 Obama signs stolen. No. I didn't do it. Seriously. I didn't. However, the person who did was probably thinking the following:

I mean my neighbor was obviously wealthy in the yard sign department. He had 6 of them and perhaps the person who took them was simply looking to redistribute the wealth. Say, take two of the signs that my neighbor has and give them to someone less fortunate, someone "behind them" in this journey of life. In fact, I am surprised my neighbor is bothered by this. The fact that they are so upset leads me to think that perhaps they need to rethink their vote...since this is exactly the type of wisdom Obama espouses.

In lieu of more signs, my neighbor handcrafted a poster that says "You can steal my signs, but you can't steal my vote!" No, neighbor we'll leave election stealing up to the fine folks at ACORN.


Anonymous said...

It might have been Joe...

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Actually from all of the reports I've read (actual news, not pundits or secondhand news) ACORN seems to have been accused of voter registration fraud, not fraud with actual votes.

Happy ICLW!

tripmom827 said...

Cassandra, you do bring up a good point. They have not been accused of casting illegal ballots, and I suppose they never will since if an illegal vote would be cast it would be an individual who was doing it not an organization. However, since they have been found guilty of illegal registrations and since secretarys of state are not requiring photo identification at polling places (this is still being litigated in Ohio) and since, although being taxpayer supported, they speak at length about getting Obama elected, it's not a big all. Especailly when you consider that many of these registrations came in at the same time early voting was allowed to happen in some states.

junebug said...

Very funny! I love it. I've had to listen all week to my boss explain to me about how great (cough) Socialism is even though we haven't yet got it to work right...I wonder if she would think that it was equally fair that his signs were being shared equally with those with no signs. Or it could be that ever elusive "the man" took them.

Muser Grace said...

Okay, I love Obama, but your comment on redistributing the sign wealth is brilliant! Very witty. :)