Dear Kids,
Well, it's here. The first day of school. Summer sure flew by. There were so many things that I wanted to do with you this summer. But, as usual, time flew by and most of them went un-done. However, I do think we had a great time together even with the few wrenches thrown into our plans.
Trisha, when I hugged you goodbye this morning, I didn't want to let go. You have such a sweet, caring spirit and I know the world can be cruel. I think your teacher is going to do a great job of nurturing your creative side, but I know you are worried about some of the girls in your class. I wish I could tell you that girl politics will get better, but I am afraid it doesn't. Just know what an awesome person you are, and know that I am going to pay very, very close attention to that this year. I love you.
Jonathan, when I hugged you goodbye this morning, I didn't want to let go. I am amzed at what a responsible young man you are becoming and I am amazed at what a gentleman you are. I have some concerns about your teacher...in some ways, she reminds me of the one you had in first grade. I'm praying that she'll bond with you immediately and appreciate your humor and your willingness to learn in the same way your dad and I do. I love you.
Jaden, when I hugged you goodbye this morning, I didn't want to let you go. I know how hard this is for you. I know how anxious you are. I could see the fear on your face as you got on the bus. But, you were brave and you did it and I am very, very proud of you. I am excited for you because your teacher seems great and the aide that you love is back for another year. You're an extremely hard worker and wherever you go you motivvate people. I love you.
Ryan, when I hugged you goodbye this morning, I didn't want to let you go. Oh my gosh, how fast time has flown! And, despite my wishing and calling you my "baby", it became very clear this morning that you certainly are a big boy and very ready for first grade. You're definitely a free spirit and part of me worries about your obedience level in school. I know that you'll do great, your teacher is awesome and you love to learn and you love to please. I love you.
It's weird, given the way the last week went with all of the fighting, I was really looking forward to this day. After your busses left, I went back inside the house and I couldn't believe how quiet it was...nearly too quiet. In fact, here it is 11:30 and I miss you terribly. In fact, I'm going to go up to school soon so I can stalk you while you're at recess.
May God bless you and keep you, may He make your paths straight, may He cause your teachers to fall in love with you and may He raise up friends who will be a positive influence in your lives.
All my love, Mom
This is just great Nikki. I didn't recognize your "tripmom" name at first when you visited my blog (thanks for visiting btw). Your little Ryan stole my heart the one day I helped in preschool - what a sweetie. And your triplets are adorable too. Hope they have a great year.
Ok so I was joking before when I said that I cried reading your previous post...but this time I really did. And, when I say cried, I mean borderline bawled. It makes me so excited yet so sad to see how they have grown. It makes me regret the times that I have not gotten to spend with them because I live so far way. Please don't let them forget about me :)
Anyway, great post and I'm sure you find something to do with your free time:)
A difficult day for you, I'm sure. Your youngest is in first grade?! Are you sure?! And who is that lady in the picture?!! Good, Lord, she looks so much like her mother. You're doing a wonderful job. I'll send a picture of my two via email. Here's to a fantastic school year!
You need to stop eating bon bons and start writing ....you make me proud everyday ....
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