Ryan at First Grade Orientation. I really haven't seen him that quiet and still in a very, very long time. His teacher is very nice and nurturing. She greeted him by getting down to his eye level and telling him how glad she was to have him in her class. ROb asked if I cried. Um, yeah, nearly. Very different from my first first grade orientation experience.

That's Rob up on the tippy top of the rick climbing wall. As you can guess, his colon is feeling better and he is nearly 100%. Hooray!
Here's the crazy boys at the birthday party. We had both boys and girls together. I was surprised that there was some boy/girl chasing. But, overall, I think it was just good, clean fun! Although I do use the term "clean" very, very loosely! :)
This is Jaden up to bat at the Pony League World Series Opening Game. It was the perfect day for baseball. Jaden has been playing in a league sponsored by the Washington Wild Things for special need children. They are called the Lil Wild Things and do lots of neat things. This game to open the Pony League World Series is just one of them.
Here we are at a Washington Wild Things game. Jaden got to go out to the Pitchers MOund and be on the field for the singing of the National Anthem...another perfect day!
That's just a few highlight. I promise to get bback to the witty and touching stories(if I do say so myself) after the 28th. Until then, here's to enjoying what's left of summer!!
1 comment:
Seriously I can't handle that picture of Ryan at first grade orientation...he is too old :) I think I almost cried :(
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