I have been asked 1,417 times "Are these all yours?" Yes. For a more detailed look at my feelings on that question you can look at this post, if you care to.
I've been asked 989 times if I took fertility drugs. The answer is yea, although, a word to the wise, it's usually not polite to ask this if were not on a first-name basis!
I've been asked 189 times if I just love Jon & Kate Plus 8. This one is new to the countdown, and the answer is that I don't like it at all. I can't quite put my finger on why though.
And, then I've been asked 9,457 times "How do you do it?" Or it's equivalents: "I don't know how you do it", "When I'm overwhelmed I just think of you and then I don't feel so bad about my life" or my personal favorite "If I were you, I'd kill myself". Well, for the first time, I am going to reveal the answer to that question...the secret to my success if you will.

Diet Coke. Alot of Diet Coke. Prayer doesn't hurt, either.
There you have it.
It's not the five kids I am impressed with, it's the fact that with five kids you can still keep track of how many times people have asked you these questions!
Here from ICLW. What else does anyone need but prayers and diet Coke?
ha ha! people can be really annoying!! I lvoe that diet coke is the secret solution! Good to know :)
here from ICLW
Prayers definitely! I so do not look forward to these questions: My husband and I would like to have 4 kids, however with our IF we'll have to see, but I can hardly wait (note sarcasm) till people start asking if they're all ours.
Diet Coke!!!! Great relief - the more kids the merrier!
ICLW - charms
Hi from ICLW,
Finally, someone had revealed the secret. I will pass it on my SIL. She and my bro have 4 kids and they get those questions too.
Oh my goodness. I thought I was the only one who got asked that same line of questions. 'The how do you do it?" question is the one that gets me.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words.
I always dreamed of having 4-6 kids, who knows if we got anywhere close if we still would have. Our journey expanding our family has not gone as we had hoped it would, but we are doing the best we can with the hand we have been dealt.
I am impressed with your awesome family and enjoyed reading your answer to the burning quesiton! I often joke that my life would be easier if I drank coffee or caffinated soda more...
Thank you for sharing!
Why on earth does everyone think that it is their business!!? It's like rubbing pregnant bellies without asking permission - WTF?! Even when my sister in law was pregnant I asked permission and even then felt a bit odd doing it!
I am one of four children (ten year span) and I don't think that my Mum ever had those questions, perhaps people feel more nosy these days!!
An ICLW visitor!
Yay for Diet Coke! I've been drinking it for almost 20 years and enjoy the hell out of it when I'm not worrying that they're going to discover that aspartame causes brain tumors . . .
"Are they all yours" is a silly question, but one that I hope to get asked one day (not likely, but I think I would love it).
Here's a new one to add. Your the reason I am afraid to try for a 4th. I'm scared I'd wind up with 6 or 7 instead. LOL
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