Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Trouble with Triplets

well it's that time of year again when I begin planning in earnest the triplets Birthday party. In Kiddyland, we do not do a friend party every year. Instead, Ryan alternates every other year with the triplets. Can I admit that planning their party causes me great anguish?! Let me tell you why.

It is no easy task to find an activity that all three will enjoy. I have considered having seperate parties in the past, however, they have mutual friends and that makes things trickier. Over the years we have managed to agree on something. This year we have rented the town pool and are basically inviting the whole town. Trisha still contends, however, that she has been jipped sice she's never been able to have a princess party, bead party, etc. etc. She's probably right. SHe probable has been jipped. I'll throw another $20 in the therapy jar.

Then there was the issue of presents. I sure don't want to make coming to the triplets party a financial burden on anyone and I sure didn't want to come home with 80000 gifts. So, we've come up with a solution where we invite a friend as say "Jonathan's special guest" to the party. That seems to work OK. The problem with this is that there are certain friends who all three want as their special guest. There negotiations that go on are amazing! "I'll give you Joey, if you give me Jenny." Pretty funny. You can imagine that while all of the negotiations are going on, I am just praying that the list comes out with exactly the same number of guests on each list.

Which brings me to the next problem. One year, half of Jaden's guests couldn't make it. That was a bummer!!

It makes me sad that their birthday is such a stressful thing for me. I want it to be perfect and I want it to make them feel special. It just never works out quite as I planned or hoped. Maybe this will be the year. Here's hoping!!


Danifred said...

Okay, all sorts of things I would never had considered with having triplets. I find it hilarious that they negotiate for their special guests!

Antonette said...

I can't imagine planning a party for triplets! I am not even looking forward to planning a friend party when my son is old enough to know that he wants one. lol



Mindy Richmond said...

Party planning - yuck. It stresses me to no end. I feel your pain - or at least a third of it. Oy. Maybe you need to call Jon & Kate and see how they do it.

What are you going to do about Ryan and Hayleigh's parties every year? With the gender difference and such an age difference, surely you can't combine parties.

noblekleigh said...

You sure are getting popular :) So who wants Aunt Kristin to be there special guest?

tripmom827 said...

Mindy - Ugh! Don't even get me started on the Ryan/Hayleigh thing. This year was a breeze, next year will be a different story. One year at at time...

Kristin-Everyone wants you for their special guest!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot even image how to plan a party for tripelts. Party planning stresses me out to no end.

Thanks for your comment on my blog.

From ICLW.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Best Wishes on your party planning for the triplets. Thanks also for the beautiful pictures, love the cheerleader and baseball player pic. Visiting from ILCW.

shawna said...

You have come up with some great ideas to cope with a party for triplets. I don't think that you will ever find perfectly fair. My kids like to point out to me that I always fall short.

Colored With Memories said...

And to think I get stressed out planning a party for one child!

I think your "special guest" idea is brilliant. The way you have thought through things will ensure that everyone feels celebrated and loved.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Kristine said...

Ok, I stress out throwing birthday parties too, and I'm only dealing with one kid at a time!

Anonymous said...

You're so inventive and sexy.

JW Moxie said...

I only have twins and I can totally relate to that problem. We've had joint parties the past couple of years and it helps some that the twins are in the same class. Of course, then I run into the problem of not wanting to burden the families with buying too many gifts. Ack - I can only imagine how much more complicated it must be with triplets!

Marie said...

I have a b-day to plan next month and I am going through the same thing (only for one). The bad thing is that E want to have a sleepover with makes one parent not be able to attend (we are divorced). We will probably have a small party then let him have sleepover at dads.